Benefits of Exercise for Weight Loss

We all know the health benefits of regular exercise and most people know the importance of increasing exercise activities to promote weight loss, but did you realise just how beneficial it can be?
The Top 10 Benefits Of Exercise For Weight Loss
1.   If you lose weight without exercising,  you lose lean mass as well as fat mass
By including exercise in your weight loss plan you can prevent the burn of muscle tissue as well as fat tissue.  By learning the correct way to exercise for maximum weight loss benefits you can make sure your body is burning fat as fuel and nothing else. We definitely want to hang on to all the muscle tissue we can, you’ll find out why in benefit #2.
2.   Exercising builds muscle.
Muscle burns 3 times more calories per lb, per day than fat does AND it takes up significantly less space, so for maximum weight loss benefits we want to retain and build muscle whilst burning fat.
3.   It improves body shape.
Because exercising builds muscle it improves your natural body shape, so even if the scales don’t show huge number drops, your measurements will reduce and you are much more likely to see noticeable results a lot sooner than with healthy nutrition alone. PLUS your wobbly bits will get less wobbly a lot quicker!
4.   It releases endorphin’s and boosts your mood.
Tests have proved that happy people have more will power! So there becomes a really beneficial knock on effect between exercising and eating healthily.  The more healthily you eat, the more energy and motivation you have to exercise, and the more you exercise the more motivated you are to eat healthily. Win Win!
5.   It improves strength and stability.
When your exercise plan is a structured balance of cardiovascular and strengthening activities there can be a real improvement in skeletal problems, like back aches, joint pain and stiffness that can have a serious effect on your daily mobility.  Make sure to consult a professional prior to embarking on a new exercise plan if you suffer from any underlying health or pain issues.
6.   It cleanses and purify’s body cells of toxins. Your body literally gets a good clear out helping you to feel energized and ‘cleansed’.  In addition, the extra demand you make on your body enables it to strengthen itself against illness and infection, when coupled with the right nutrition of course.  If you try to exercise too much without providing your body with the right balance of healthy food it needs to sustain that level of exercise, then the reverse can happen and you can weaken your body’s immune system and become more susceptible to illness and injury.
7.   Energy creates Energy.
Literally at a physiological cell level when you make a demand for energy, your body will create more energy to meet that demand.  The reverse is also true, when you spend long periods sitting or laying, your body slows everything down, making less energy available.  Have you ever wondered why ‘fidgety’ people tend to be slender?
8.   It combats stress which reduces cortisol levels.  Exercise is a proven stress buster! When we are stressed our bodies release the hormone Cortisol to prepare us for dealing with ‘the stressor’.  This is an automated physiological response, our body systems are unaware that many of today’s ‘stressors’ are emotional, or intellectual as opposed to physical (such as Sabre Tooth Tigers!) and because of this, there is no big expenditure of energy in fighting these stressors which would naturally balance out these hormones (unless of course you happen to bump into a Sabre Tooth Tiger?) Elevated cortisol levels can be a major barrier to weight loss, so without the energy burn of regular exercise, these levels can remain high in our systems continually preventing successful weight loss
9.   It helps prevent stress eating.  Many people reach for food when stressed, part of the reason for this is once again hormone related.  When stressed the body prepares to expend energy, by way of releasing the aforementioned hormones.  In order to create and sustain that ‘imagined’ energy requirement, it needs the fastest fuel providing foods, which is why most ‘stress’ eating is centered around carbs, and usually the unhealthy sugary ones!
10.                Exercising takes up time.  The busier you are, the less likely you are to be thinking about food.  Less time for snacking , less time for boredom eating, less time for mindless picking.
If Those Aren’t Some Significantly Beneficial Reasons
For Adding Exercise Into Your Weight Loss Plan
Find Your Best Exercise Option Here
Do  you struggle to find time?
Your best option could be to exercise at home.  Workout DVD’s, Dance DVD’s, Bodyweight Training, Tabata Routines and High Intensity Interval Training can all be done in the comfort of your own home, with little or no equipment, at a time to suit you.  If you are not sure what to do or how to do it, enlist the help of  a knowledgeable professional to get you started.  Check out this guy, Nick Cameron at Cameronfit who offers personal training via Skype Workouts, what a great idea! No need to worry what exercises to do, if you’re doing them right, if you’re doing the best exercises for you personally AND someone to keep you accountable with that booked appointment! Check out his website HERE. He even offers a FREE Taster Session.
Do you struggle to stay motivated?
Join up with a friend or family member to make your exercising more fun and keep you accountable to turning up! Research proves that when people are exercising with a friend, they are far less likely to cry off.  Ideal activities could be walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, racquet sports such as tennis, badminton or squash, Zumba classes or perhaps joining a gym together.
Are you always too tired to exercise after work? Are you eating enough of the right foods at the right times? The correct nutrition at the correct times of day can make a massive difference to your energy levels, check your diet with a professional to make sure you are on the right track with it.  It’s also worth remembering that the less you exercise the less you feel like exercising, remember benefit #7 above, when you make a demand for energy on your body, it responds by creating more energy for you, so even if you could agree with yourself you’ll just do something for 15 minutes, the chances are you will end up doing more once you get going.  Alternatively is there any option for a quick exercise session in your lunch break? Could you squeeze in daily brisk walks/jogs with a work colleague maybe?
Have you tried to take up regular exercise in the past and failed? Set realistic goals to prevent feeling negative about yourself if you don’t reach them.  So if you’re not used to exercising regularly, don’t set yourself a target to exercise 7 days a week, because the first time you miss it you are going to feel like you’ve failed already and this kind of negative mindset can knock you down quite considerably.  Start off with perhaps 3 or 4 days a week, at least then you can choose the days you are most likely to stick with it, and you also give yourself some leeway if your days go a bit tit’s up on occasion, and you end up missing your exercise session, you can just bump it onto another day.
Do you feel self-conscious about how you look? Avoid busy times of the day at the gym or out walking / jogging when you’re first starting out, or begin exercising at home.  Exercise with a friend so you feel more relaxed and comfortable in your surroundings. Stay focused the whole time on how you are going to feel in the future when you have reached your target weight, imagine what you will feel like doing those same exercises after having achieved your weight loss, will you move differently? Push yourself a bit harder? Have a bit more of a bounce in your step? Walk a bit taller? Do all those things now, they will help work more muscles which in turn will get you where you want to be a lot quicker than if you only put in half the effort.
And Remember…
You Are The One Out There Doing Something About Getting What You Want,
Making The Effort, Making The Commitment and Getting Out There and Doing it!
Be Proud, Be Very Proud Of Yourself

Foods That Burn Belly Fat

Foods That Burn Belly Fat
People often choose the type of food they like to consume, irrespective of whether a diet is required to lose fat around the abdomen. The good news is delicious foods that burn belly fat does exist. Basically, a fat-burning food item contains the right quantity of vitamins and other essential ingredients required to promote hormones capable of burning fat throughout the body. The idea must be to combine foods you like into a diet plan. Here are five delicious foods helping you lose fat around the tummy.
·         Include berries in daily diet. Different types of berries are available depending on geographical location. Some may find strawberries, while others may have access to blueberries in the local market. Most berries are full of dietary fiber and contain necessary quantity of vitamins and antioxidants required to burn fat. The only precaution to be taken is fresh berries should be bought. If not available, frozen vacuum-sealed packets can be bought at a supermarket. Most vendors are aware of growing demand for berries and have mastered logistical hiccups to procure berries at cheap prices from across the globe.

·         It is customary in many households to have a cup of soup before lunch or dinner to increase appetite. The same process can be slightly altered by having the right ingredients in soup. For example, tomato soup is ideally suited to burn belly fat while preventing people from overeating. Instead of having salads with a regular meal, food items like spring onion leaves, green beans, boiled mushrooms, and peppers can be safely had along with soup. Appetite is diminished, while you gain access to a blend of delicious food items, which can be altered as required.

·         People across the globe are used to having a morning cup of tea. Many also require their evening cup of tea or coffee as per habit. Whole milk may not be ideally suited, as it contains considerable amount of fat. However, it can be easily substituted by skimmed milk containing essential calcium and other fat-burning ingredients. It is also easily digestible and can be combined with different flavors for added taste. People also find it easier to switch over to green tea containing catechins and other antioxidants preventing fat from building up in the body. Buildup of triglycerides is also prevented through polyphenol reactions taking place through regular consumption of green tea.

·         Non-vegetarians have to make a minor shift in dietary habits including fish like salmon and white meat like chicken while avoiding red meat. Fish contains amino acids rich in omega-3 that not only increase body resistance against different ailments but also maintains right rate of metabolism needed to burn excess fat. Chicken meat is more easily digestible and obviously contains lower fat content as compared to red meat.

·         Oily food can be delicious, which is already proven through increased sales of food items like packed French fries and fried chicken. A healthy substitute is to fry food in edible olive oil specifically filtered for general cooking purposes. Again, vendors procure olive oil in bulk and sell them in the retail market. Most supermarkets store olive oil. Research has shown it is essentially more healthy and can be had directly mixed with salads or used to fry food items as needed.
There are scores of other delicious foods that burn belly fat. It is just a matter of combining items easily available in the local market and consuming food as per a diet plan specifically designed to shed fat around the tummy.
 It does not matter where you live. There are several foods that burn belly fat at your disposal

Heart benefits of red wine

Resveratrol is a natural chemical compound found in grapes,red wine,and other foods as a supplement,resveratrol has been promoted as a treatment for many conditions-including agings itself
Researchers have long believed that substances in red wine might have health benefits.Drinking red wine in moderation may be associated with a lower risk of heart disease.beginning in the 1990s,experts began to focus on resveratrol,an antioxidant compound in red wine.since then,some animal and lab studies have shown that resveratrol has promising antiviral,anti-inflammatory, and anticancer effects.
However ,resveratrol supplements have not been well studied in people .we don’t really know what benefits and risks they might have.we also don’t know if resveratrol is neccesarily more important than some of the other natural substances in wine.
Nonetheless,resveratrol has become a popular supplement.people use it for many different conditions.some take resveratrol supplements to try to prevent or treat serious diseases,like cancer or heart diseases.others hope that they will slow the aging process .for now ,these uses are unsupported by evidence .
How much resveratrol should you take?
Resveratrol is an unproven treatment and there is no standard dose.some estimates of doses come from preliminary research studies .ask your health care provider for advice.
Resveratrol occurs naturally in red wine ,red grape skins,grape juice,peanuts,mulberries,and some Chinese herbs.some people wonder if they should drink more red wine because of the possible health benefits of resveratrol .however ,most expert and organisations like America heart association still suggest only one alcoholic drink per day for women and two for men .excessive alcohol intake has serious health risks.

Risks Of Taking Resveratrol
Side effects.when resveratrol is consumed in the amount normally occurring in foods,it is generally considered could cause a reaction in those who are allergic to grapes or wine.
Risks. People who have health conditions like bleeding disorders should not take resveratrol without talking to a doctor first.women who have hormone-sensitive conditions like endometriosis or cancer of the breast,ovaries or uterus must get medical advice before using resveratrol supplement.
Interactions. If you take any medicines or other supplement regularly,talk to your health care provider before you start using resveratrol supplements.they could interact with medicines like blood thinners,blood pressure drugs,cancer treatments,MAOI antidepressants, antiviral and antifungal medicines,NSAID painkillers,and supplements like st.john’s wort,garlic and ginkgo.
Given the lack of evidence about their safety ,resveratrol are not recommended for children or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Stay healthy, live positive!!
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